The GDI Airforce, created by Joachim Bickel ( Level Name: It's TOO LATE!!! Completion Time: about 2 hours Map information: Large (60x60), winter theater. Used Covert Operations "Ground Zero" map. Player: GDI Difficulty: Easy, if you know how to kill a flame-tank with a Commando... Filename: File contents: SCG52EA.INI, SCG52EA.BIN, TooLate.txt Hardware used: Pentium 100Mhz, 32MB RAM Software used: CCMAP 2.1, programmed by Richard Heesbeen and Jeroen Ritmeijer Base-It v1.000, programmed by Barry Kalshoven and Michiel Prins Tested on Command and Conquer v1.20 (English version, German CDs, English Covert Operations CD) Story Line ---------- This is the sequel to: Airbase 22F Good or Bad Prevail Get'em NOW! You destroyed the Nod Base, but where was that Mobile HQ?! Mission Briefing ---------------- The Nod Base isn't a problem any longer. But the traitors managed to flee before their Mobile HQ could be destroyed. We've located it in this area. We are preparing A10s. Your job is to find the Vehicle. If you see any Sam- Sites, destroy them if possible. Be careful, this is Nod territory! But it's TOO LATE for these traitors now. Using it -------- You need the Covert Operations to run this one, but the demo version will also do the job. Just copy the .ini and .bin file into the C&C directory. You can now select this mission in the "New Missions" list. Other Information ----------------- Specail thanks to: Andrew Griffin for his infos on C&C, Vladan Bato for his Mix-Manager, the programmers of CCMAP and Base-It and all others who made levels for the rest of us. If you have questions, suggestions, ideas for new levels, stories etc.: send me an e-mail ( Dismissed! Joachim Bickel ( Bludenz, Vorarlberg, Austria